A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electronic signals and electrical power. It is composed of semiconductor material usually with at least three terminals for connection to an external circuit.Transistors are fundamentally three-terminal devices. On a bi-polar junction transistor (BJT), those pins are labeled collector (C), base (B), and emitter (E). The circuit symbols for both the NPN and PNP BJT are below: The only difference between an NPN and PNP is the direction of the arrow on the emitter.
Frequency Multiplier and Driver in VHF/UHF Transmitter.absolute Maximum Ratings:Collector-Emitter Voltage, VCEO
Collector-Base Voltage, VCBO
Emitter-Base Voltage, VEBO
Continuous Collector Current, IC
Total Device Dissipation..
2N3904 NPN Transistor SOT-23 SMD PackageAbsolute Maximum RatingsCollector-Emitter Volt (Vceo): 40VCollector-Base Volt (Vcbo): 60VEmitter-Base Volt: 6VCollector Current (Ic): 200mA Power Dissipation (Ptot): 350mWTransition frequency 100-300MHzType: NPN..
BC109 -NPN Low Power
Bipolar Transistors TO-18 Metal Package
Voltage VCEO - 25VCollector-Base
Voltage VCBO - 30 VEmitter-Base
Voltage VEBO - 5.0Collector
Current Continuous IC - 0...
Maximum collector power dissipation (Pc): 300mW
Maximum collector-base voltage (Ucb): 50V
Maximum collector-emitter voltage (Uce): 45V
Maximum emitter-base voltage (Ueb): 5V
Maximum collector current (Ic max): 100mA
Maximum junction temperature (Tj): 125°C
Transition ..
BC177B Low Power Bipolar TransistorsFeature:PNP Silicon Planar Epitaxial Transistorsnotch - pin1 (Emitter)nearest pin from 1 is pin 2 (Base)Dimetrically opposite to pin 1 is pin 3 (Collector)TO-18 Metal Can PackageCollector-Emitter Voltage - 45VCollector-Base Voltage VCBO - 50VEmitter-Base Voltage V..